niedziela, 30 stycznia 2022

Today, Jan. 29, 2022 – 3

My thanks to Len, D, and Brian, the fruits of whose research make up these pages.

Please don’t read “Today” unless you’re prepared to hear what’s really happening in the world.

Some subjects discussed as we move into the future may be distressing.

In my view, international Freedom Convoys – convoys in all countries – have the best chance of bringing down the vaccine mandate regime.

And they are starting – gradually, peacefully, legally.

Please note Hooktube is slow in streaming videos and in some cases does not respond. I imagine this is due to heavy demand.

Also WordPress is disallowing the uploading of around one in six videos, making for some gaps in our coverage.


Prime Minister Trudeau has left Ottawa for a secure location, according to the CBC

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B.J. Dichter explains to Glenn Beck the Freedom Convoy’s strategy for getting around censorship

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Convoy Leader B.J. Dichter Explains Their Communication Strategy and How the Canadian Convoy Movement Is Being Replicated Around the World

“They Wanted Justin Trudeau to Be a Global Brand. Well, They Got Their Wish”

A Convoy of Truckers Currently Is Making Its Way Through Canada, Protesting Government Vaccine Mandates Required Within the Industry. But B.J. Dichter, Spokesman for The Canadian Trucker Freedom Convey, Tells Glenn Mandates Are Just Half the Battle for Convoy Participants

In Paris, crowds have surrounded the Pfizer Building

According to David Avocado Wolfe on Telegram.

They can be heard shouting “assassins!”

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Ottawans Offer Support to the Freedom Convoy

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Ottawa Freedom Convoy Protest on Parliament Hill, Jan. 29, 2022

Early morning

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Are convoys happening in many cities rather than just the nation’s capital?

Dziś rano Kathleen wysłała mi SMS-a z Fraser Valley, że widziała wiadukty zatłoczone ludźmi kibicującymi w złym kierunku. Nie byli to wiwatujący kierowcy ciężarówek zmierzający do Ottawy, ale długa kolejka kierowców ciężarówek zmierzających do Vancouver.

Później w ciągu dnia D złapał kilku z nich na ich drodze do spotkania w centrum miasta.

Pytanie brzmi, czy to samo dzieje się w wielu innych miastach?
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And finally….

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