2400-letnie Starożytne bunkry i schrony przed wojną jądrową znalezione w Indiach
Opublikowane 5 grudnia 2019 r. Indie są jedną z najstarszych kultur na świecie.
Ostatnio Indie wzmocniły swoją reputację dzięki fenomenalnym odkryciom, które zostały dokonane w wielu jaskiniach w obszarze Bihar.
India być the kraj dokąd ty odkrywać codzienny dużo świątynia i artefakt który być w ten sposób zaawansowany dla the era w che budować że naukowiec móc.
Pamiętasz świątynię Padmanabhaswami lub świątynię Weerahhadra, gdzie można zobaczyć wyrzeźbiony na jednej ze ścian wizerunek rowerzysty sprzed 2000 lat?
Dwa sztuczny bunkier niedawno odkrywać w Barabar i Nagarjuna, oba lokalizować w the Bihar teren. Według badaczy, te bunkry zostały wykonane 2600 lat temu.
Według napisów znalezionych wewnątrz tych bunkrów, wydaje się, że jakiś ascetyczny buddysta lub hinduista byłby tam chroniony. Szczegóły dotyczące budowy tych bunkrów są niezwykle interesujące. Wykończenia są doskonałe.
Doskonałe cięcia i kąty w kamieniu. Biorąc pod uwagę ogromny wiek tych bunkrów, były one prawie niemożliwe do zbudowania przy użyciu ówczesnej technologii. Szczegóły te, mam na myśli nieznaną wówczas ludziom technologię. Być może nawet zakładając, że bunkry te można było zbudować przy użyciu pozaziemskiej techniki.
Naukowcy spierają się o cel tych bunkrów, ale moje pytanie brzmi: kto je zbudował? Obejrzyj poniższy film, aby dowiedzieć się więcej na temat tych schronów: Artykuł autorstwa True Blog.
Oryginalne źródło: http://trueblog.net/2400-year-old-ancient-bunkers-and-nuclear-war-shelters-found-in-india-2458/?fbclid=IwAR30yya8oT_fixGkQo-9rFoZUqAQAIrMjvDMDvum8u8ZD4mk5zenOrxcWsk
2400-Year-Old Ancient
Bunkers and Nuclear War Shelters Found in India
Published on December 5, 2019
India is one of the oldest cultures in the world. Recently India has
strengthened its reputation with some phenomenal discoveries that have
been made in a number of caves in the Bihar area.
India is the country where you discover every day a lot of temples and
artifacts that are so advanced for the era in which they were built that
scientists cannot explain.
Remember the Padmanabhaswami temple or the Weerahhadra temple where a
2000-year-old image of a bicyclist can be seen carved on one of the
Two artificial bunkers were recently discovered in Barabar and
Nagarjuna, both located in the Bihar area.
According to the researchers, these bunkers were made 2600 years ago.
According to the inscriptions found inside these bunkers, it appears
that some sort of ascetic Buddhist or Hindu would have been sheltered
The details regarding the construction of these bunkers are extremely
interesting. The finishes are perfect. Perfect cuts and angles in stone.
Considering the huge age of these bunkers, they were almost impossible
to build with the technology of that time.
These details, I am thinking of technology unknown to the people of that
time. Maybe even assuming that these bunkers could be built with
extraterrestrial technology.
Researchers argue on the purpose of these bunkers, but my question is
who built them?
Watch the following video to learn more about these shelters:
Original Source: http://trueblog.net/2400-year-old-ancient-bunkers-and-nuclear-war-shelters-found-in-india-2458/?fbclid=IwAR30yya8oT_fixGkQo-9rFoZUqAQAIrMjvDMDvum8u8ZD4mk5zenOrxcWsk
Original Source: http://trueblog.net/2400-year-old-ancient-bunkers-and-nuclear-war-shelters-found-in-india-2458/?fbclid=IwAR30yya8oT_fixGkQo-9rFoZUqAQAIrMjvDMDvum8u8ZD4mk5zenOrxcWsk
2400-Year-Old Ancient
Bunkers and Nuclear War Shelters Found in India
Published on December 5, 2019
India is one of the oldest cultures in the world. Recently India has
strengthened its reputation with some phenomenal discoveries that have
been made in a number of caves in the Bihar area.
India is the country where you discover every day a lot of temples and
artifacts that are so advanced for the era in which they were built that
scientists cannot explain.
Remember the Padmanabhaswami temple or the Weerahhadra temple where a
2000-year-old image of a bicyclist can be seen carved on one of the
Two artificial bunkers were recently discovered in Barabar and
Nagarjuna, both located in the Bihar area.
According to the researchers, these bunkers were made 2600 years ago.
According to the inscriptions found inside these bunkers, it appears
that some sort of ascetic Buddhist or Hindu would have been sheltered
The details regarding the construction of these bunkers are extremely
interesting. The finishes are perfect. Perfect cuts and angles in stone.
Considering the huge age of these bunkers, they were almost impossible
to build with the technology of that time.
These details, I am thinking of technology unknown to the people of that
time. Maybe even assuming that these bunkers could be built with
extraterrestrial technology.
Researchers argue on the purpose of these bunkers, but my question is
who built them?
Watch the following video to learn more about these shelters:
Original Source: http://trueblog.net/2400-year-old-ancient-bunkers-and-nuclear-war-shelters-found-in-india-2458/?fbclid=IwAR30yya8oT_fixGkQo-9rFoZUqAQAIrMjvDMDvum8u8ZD4mk5zenOrxcWsk
Original Source: http://trueblog.net/2400-year-old-ancient-bunkers-and-nuclear-war-shelters-found-in-india-2458/?fbclid=IwAR30yya8oT_fixGkQo-9rFoZUqAQAIrMjvDMDvum8u8ZD4mk5zenOrxcWsk
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